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Lion Roars Into Cinemas

Jigsaw Queensland's Forced Adoption Support Service's staff member (and adoptee), Chris Mundy has written a wonderful review of the Oscar nominated film, 'Lion'. Read it here...

I love Chris' review of the film. I was completely caught up in the first half and the slow pace of the second half didn't bother me, as from an adoptee's perspective, the search is often not a fast process and is never an easy journey...and as Chris notes...there is an inner and outer journey to be had.

The whitewashing of the boy's experiences and the fairy tale magnifying glass over the adoptive parents is where the film lost me and I'm going to read, Saroo's memoir to see if this was intentional or lost in translation. As Chris says, it is important to understand that this is Saroo's journey 'and he is still on it'.

I know firsthand that my own perspective as an adoptee has changed markedly throughout my life and will continue to do so. I was interested enough in this film to watch it twice (ugly cried for a good portion of it) and enjoyed sharing the 2nd experience with my seven year-old son and hearing his thoughts.

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